Eastern Tea Club, Chapter 4: Bùlǎng 布朗
- Laobanzhang 老班章 Shengpu 2018,
- Laoman’e 老曼峨 Shengpu 2023, ancient trees and Shupu 2022,
- Guangbie 广别 Shengpu 2023, Laobanzhang cultivar
- Guangbie old village 广别老寨 Shengpu 2023,
- Hekai 贺开 Manmai village, Shengpu 2023,
- Baka' nan 坝卡囡 Shengpu 2023,
- Jiliang 吉良 Shengpu 2023,
- Zhangjia, Sandui 章家三队 Shupu 2022,
As you receive your tea samples, you will find a welcome letter with links to extensive content on the ancient and modern history of the area, geography and culture. You will then have access to a reserved community chat area where we continue to upload new contents, and you can share your own tasting notes, observations, and travel stories.
You will also have access to the informative material and the recording of the online webinar, in which we will explore each village, and share direct experiences of our trips on site. We invite you to start tasting the samples as soon as you receive them, but we suggest to keep few grams to taste again and comment together.
Each chapter of our tea club will be available on our shop until the end of the first season, or until stocks last.
How to join
Purchase and Shipments
A new chapter of the tea club, presenting new pu'er tea areas, will be published on a quarterly basis, disclosing a new destination of our virtual tea travel. You can choose to join by purchasing:
- a single edition, receiving the teas of the single chapter at home after your purchase;
- a three-chapters subscription (including chapters 1,2,4);
- a full annual subscription (4 chapters).
The tea samples will be shipped to your address with free worldwide shipping, and at the same time you will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking code.
Annual subscribers can enjoy a 10% discount for purchases on all our products sitewide and a preview on new teaware before they go online. You will find the discount code and QR code to start your purchases in the welcome letter inside your club package.
All Daye students (from all past and present editions!) and Tea Tour Travellers can enjoy a 10% discount on the price of both the single and the annual club, by using the code TEACLUB10 at checkout.
Online webinar
On December 1st, 6pm GMT +8 (calculate your local time) an online webinar of the duration of one hour is scheduled through Zoom to taste some of the samples together and tell you more about each village, sharing our personal experiences and tasting notes. Every member will find the code for the meeting, together with details on the specific date and time, via email.
After the meeting all participants will receive recording and other materials via email, or through our community. If you choose to join the annual subscription you will also receive the video recording of the first chapter meeting and shared material.
All the members of our teaclub have exclusive access to a private community where we constantly upload new content from our travels, we taste teas together, and above all you can share your own tasting notes and organise a virtual or in-person tea session with fellow members! If you are a member follow this link to connect, we will be happy to start a conversation with you!
The tea samples will be shipped to your address with free worldwide shipping, and at the same time you will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking code.